Monday, February 16, 2009

Whatever Happened to Optimism?

Has anyone else noticed that modern society is decidedly pessimistic? It just seems that no matter what is going on in the world everyone seems to latch onto every tiny thing that goes wrong and forget about anything good. The media are especially guilty of this. The phrase “No news is good news” has suddenly become eerily prophetic of any news report these days. Good news is simply glossed over in favour of the new horror story of the day. Any news that is reported is bound to be bad.

And as my primary example of this sorry school of thought I put forward the fans of Liverpool Football Club. Never mind that Liverpool have made massive almost unbelievable improvements this season, all Liverpool fans seem to be able to think of is failure. They look at a brilliant season and do not see the achievements of their side; they see poor decisions from a manager even when those decisions have led to victory. They see only crisis where they should see accomplishment.

Why take something good and try to suck all the life out of it by picking apart the tiny failures? Rather look for all the good bits even if there might be a few bad spots. That way we can enjoy the world even with the few sorrows it holds. If our optimism continues to drain the world will surely become a very dark place.

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